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Dan Fernandez

Kinect SDK Kinect SDK

2/1/2012 1:48:39 PM

Audio Fundamentals
In the final installment of the Kinect for Windows Quickstart series, we'll discuss how you can leverage the audio features of Kinect in your application, including: How to use your Kinect to determine the angle and confidence for where a sound is coming fromHow to use the KinectAudioSource to record audio synchronously and asynchronouslyHow to build a basic speech recognition application to dynamically turn application features on/offHow the speech recognition engine can be used even when the application is not the current active application ResourcesDownload the Kinect for Windows SDKDownload the Quickstart slides and samples

Dan Fernandez

Kinect SDK Kinect SDK

2/1/2012 1:46:21 PM

Skeletal Tracking Fundamentals
In the skeletal tracking Quickstart series video, we'll discuss: How skeleton data retrieves joint information for 20 joints (head, hands, hip center, etc)How skeletal tracking works and how you can choose what skeletons to track using tracking IDs.How you can tweak TransformSmoothParameters based on your applications needs (responsiveness versus smoothness)How you can use the built-in depth mapping methods to map a skeletal joint's position into depth and color spaceHow you can use the Coding4Fun Toolkit to scale the skeletal joint value to make it easier for users of your application to not have to extend their reach when using your hand as a cursorHow to use the SkeletonViewer to visuali...

Dan Fernandez

Kinect SDK Kinect SDK

2/1/2012 1:43:07 PM

Working with Depth Data
In the working with depth data Quickstart video, we'll cover: An overview of how depth data represents the distance and player for every pixelAn overview of Default and Near Mode and what features are supported in bothAn explanation of what distance data the Kinect returns including knowing when you are too near, too far, or the distance is unknownThe formulas for calculating depth and player informationHow to visualize depth and player data, including a monochrome histogram and player colorizationHow to use the WPF DepthViewer control to understand depth data returned from the KinectResourcesDownload the Kinect for Windows SDKDownload the Quickstart slides and samples

Dan Fernandez

Kinect SDK Kinect SDK

2/1/2012 1:43:07 PM

Working with Depth Data
In the working with depth data Quickstart video, we'll cover: An overview of how depth data represents the distance and player for every pixel An overview of Default and Near Mode and what features are supported in both An explanation of what distance data the Kinect returns including knowing when you are too near, too far, or the distance is unknown The formulas for calculating depth and player information How to visualize depth and player data, including a monochrome histogram and player colorization How to use the WPF DepthViewer control to understand depth data returned from the Kinect ResourcesDownload the Kinect for Windows SDK Download the Quickstart slides and samples

Dan Fernandez

Kinect SDK Kinect SDK

2/1/2012 1:41:07 PM

Camera Fundamentals
In the Camera Fundamentals Quickstart video, you'll learn: How to leverage the AllFramesReady event to synchronize data between the color, depth, and skeletal framesThe supported resolutions for the color and depth camerasHow to read the color byte array from the ColorImageFrame event and how to dynamically build a Bitmapsource to display the color imageHow to use the KinectColorViewer user control to display the Kinect's color image simply by databinding the Kinect property to the KinectSensorChooser user controlHow to tilt the Kinect camera and how it determines it's current angleResourcesDownload the Kinect for Windows SDKDownload the Quickstart slides and samples

Dan Fernandez

Kinect SDK Kinect SDK

2/1/2012 1:39:51 PM

Setting up your Development Environment
In setting up your development environment we'll discuss the following topics: The basics of using the Managed APIThe key developer resources to use in your application like the KinectWpfViewers that ship Kinect SDK Kinect Explorer sample and the Coding4Fun Toolkit for skeletal scaling that will be used in later Quickstart videos.Demos of how to manage and connect to a Kinect using the KinectSensors collection and using the KinectSensorChooser WPF control Notes: Please make sure to use the Quickstart Samples as in the video we did not include two code checks that you'll want to add to your applicationAdd a check for null on newSensor private void kinectSensorChooser1_KinectSensorChanged(ob...

Dan Fernandez

Kinect SDK Kinect SDK

2/1/2012 1:39:51 PM

Setting up your Development Environment
In setting up your development environment we'll discuss the following topics: The basics of using the Managed API The key developer resources to use in your application like the KinectWpfViewers that ship Kinect SDK Kinect Explorer sample and the Coding4Fun Toolkit for skeletal scaling that will be used in later Quickstart videos. Demos of how to manage and connect to a Kinect using the KinectSensors collection and using the KinectSensorChooser WPF control Notes: Please make sure to use the Quickstart Samples as in the video we did not include two code checks that you'll want to add to your application Add a check for null on newSensor private void kinectSensorChooser1_KinectSensorC...

Dan Fernandez

Kinect SDK Kinect SDK

2/1/2012 1:37:56 PM

Installing and Using the Kinect Sensor
This video covers the basics of installing and using the Kinect sensor using v1 of the An overview of the Kinect for Windows Quickstart SeriesAn overview of what sensors and information you can use with the Kinect hardwareDemos: We'll show what gets installed on your PC when you install the Kinect SDK and how you can use your Kinect as a microphone using Windows Sound Recorder.If you have an Xbox 360 Kinect with no dedicated power plug or USB cord, you can order a Microsoft Xbox 360 Power Supply cable from sites like Amazon.ResourcesDownload the Kinect for Windows SDKDownload the Quickstart slides and samples